Monday, 19 November 2012


Carve a smile to hide unhappiness sometimes hidden in the bottom of the heart. But only myself understand.

Abu Darda 'said: "Verily I'll laugh for joy my heart". 
Rasulallah SAW laughing to reveal teeth, but he would never SAW laughed uproariously. 

Rasulallah SAW said, which means:"While just appeared cheerful face when you meet with your brother". 

"Allah has revealed to me (Muhammad SAW) that you be tawadhu', until there is none who does dzalim of others and there is none who rebelled against the other".

Do not continue to talk about the problem until forget to talk about solutions. Debate on the issue as if there is no way out of it while our own properties like exaggerate the problem. No one to talk about the problem, but what is most important is to find solutions to overcome the problem. 

Do not be sad because we have been through the same grief that night and it was not able to benefit if we keep on the verge of depression. Look back to re-evaluate the problem and begin steps to overcome the problems of today and to continue efforts to delete grief yesterday. 

Do squeezed grief  will only make fledged bitter sweet water, a bunch of roses that bloom exquisitely looks wilted, green spacious garden looks like the parched desert, a cheerful countenance became dejectedly, turned calmly despondent, life above and world wide as languishing in the room like a prison. 

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